KP Chipsticks in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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KP Chipsticks

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filthiestfis | 22:10 Mon 12th Nov 2007 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
Do KP Chipsticks still exist? If so where can I get them from? If KP doesnt make them anymore, do the supermarkets do an alternative?
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Chipsticks are made by Smiths which is now owned by Walkers
Im sure you get them in the multi packs with Skips and Monster Munch and stuff like that.
Not the same as walkers frenchfries

Mosts upermarkets do the puffy chipsticks but I think you mean the very fine ones (like McCoy's in flavour and crunch) - I'd forgotten about them!

I'd give Sainsbury's a try, gotta look tomorrow now myself!!
Chipsticks still exist, bought some tonight in fact from a Londis shop
I can't seem to find chipsticks in any of my local supermarkets!
None in Waitrose, Somerfield or Morrisons.
Even Tesco.com don't have them!!

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