By trying to discredit Icke, either by calling him anti semite or a lunatic, further proves his point. That people are conditioned from the start to think and act a certain way and not to make waves. Though his Reptilian Agenda and the shape shifting bit is truly a hard pill to swallow, it is still makes for interesting reading and leaves you asking certain questions about history yourself (Dragons in history and in various cultures, serpents in the Bible, ancient symbols...).
Even the human brain has a section that is known as the R-Complex (R for Reptilian) which is responsible for the basics: hunger, instinct, daily routine, CONTROL.
Is this the part of brain that is responsible for the evil streak that we all carry within ourselves and which is often than not fueled by temptation?
I don't read the Bible as often as I should but this certainly explains a lot.
Also keep in mind, your eyes can play tricks on you, so just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.
Simple Example: Look directly into any remote control transmitter while pushing a button. Can't see it!
Now aim the same remote control at a video camera and look at the monitor. You can actually see the infra-red pulses of light through the video monitor.
I also find it interesting how the most instrumental and influential people, The Khazarians, responsible for shaping our World History, are ever so conveniently hardly even mentioned in our classrooms.