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wacky baccy

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banjosister | 22:23 Fri 23rd Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
What do you think? Good? Bad? Just not for nice people?


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it is a very serious problem in our country and the cause of an awful lot of problems in all walks of life and in all levels of society.
is he in series 2 of heroes?
you said you wouldn;t use a self portrait on here Roberto.
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so it didn't kill off any of your brain cells then knobby?
Bob nice to know have not be culled !! Well who knows what will happen later ?
well if you have it flaunt it thats my motto
exactly, who needs specsavers eh?
I dont smoke and the only time that I have ever tried 'waccy baccy' I 'whitied'. I am not a fan of drugs, although I do like booze - some would say that its the same difference.
I believe 'the weed' is responsible for paranoia and personality disorders.....
... so guessing nobody here uses it..LOL


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In what way would you say it is a serious problem? Not enuf to go around?
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I Am sorry i do not have the actual facts and figures to answer that part of your question as it does require statistical information, i based my original answer on my opinion.
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I know people from all walks of life that use it. I know more people who get cranky without a coffee than those that do without a joint. I smoke it occasionally, I'm not for a minute suggesting it is good but it's probably doing me no more harm than my normal cigarette habit.
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wacky baccy

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