Ruby, it's not a case of reluctance to pay tax, hence my question asking how much more you think a person who takes very little out of the system, but nevertheless pays 40% income tax, and �2500 Council Tax, should pay? You still haven't responded to that, and since your original question suggested that people pay more tax, I should very much like an answer.
I also have considerable experience in several areas, including civil service departments, social services and major charities - and I know where the money goes because I've seen the appalling waste. In fact I resigned from one post because of it. I cannot condone it, I cannot shut my eyes to it, and I certainly cannot work alongside it and ignore it.
I believe you're a very committed lady, and I believe you do your best to do a good job, but being biased is not good, since that doesn't bode well for clear judgement. There are very clearly problems with the sytem, and there are very clearly enormous flaws in the system - and you need to take a good, hard, and, most of all, a completely honest look at what's really going on before you ask people who already pay an enormous amount of their income in taxes, and see their money being poured straight down the drain, to pay more.