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At What Time

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stewey | 02:21 Sat 24th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
..of the night/morning does one have to pose a question and receive no answers? If you have no responses please do not respond!


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Hi there! I've just got in. I can't put a pic on, for the life of me!!! a) the other half thinks it's too common - and b) I don't know how to, anyway!!!!!
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Ice, do you know how to save a picture on your computer? Assuming you saved a picture, on your profile page click on browse, then select the saved picture, click submit viola!
Believe me - I don't know how to! Tell you what though - I think you'd love my pic!
Well...after ages, i managed to download a pic or three, but they're IN downlaods. It comes up on my screen , but when I open it - the pics seem to remain where they are. Oh god....novice!
1) Save a picture in - MY DOCUMENTS and give it a name
2) On your profile page click on browse
3) Choose My Documents folder. It will open, then click on the name of the photo you want to submit.
4) Click submit.

Question Author
Hello, Knobby, I consider your response to be a non-responsive response to an irresponsible question. By the way, I have instructed the people in my huge organization responsible for portraiture to respond to your request for a suitable likeness of me.
Question Author
I forgot to mention 'hic'!
Thanks figure - I'' try my best in the light of day!!!!
Stewey - sorry to disobey your command but I wanted to help Icy.
Question Author
Hey, figure, that's one of the reasons we're here: to give answers and help. Cheers.
Yeah, well thanks anyway. Despite what people think about me on here. I anjoy reading and chatting to many of you. Been booted off endless times, for petty reasons. I'm begining to wonder if it's worth joining the the new AB. I just know what's going to happen!!!!
Icey ignore everyone and just post away. I'm sick of everyone wanting proof of who everyone is. I don't care, I'm posting anyway.
Well I will if I can! I'm hopeless with computers - really - so we'll see what happens over the next few days when I have some time to try things out properly. If not - I'll just post as usual, and email the friends i've met on here.
If you follow my instructions step-by-step you will be able to do it. Read over the instructions and tell me what you don't understand, I'll try and explain again.
I've made a note of the 4 stages as you suggested - thanks - and we'll see what happens. If there's still no joy - you'll see me shouting for help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're welcome any time. :-)

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