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I have stopped smoking

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daffy654 | 07:14 Mon 26th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Wish me
I feel fairly confident that I will be able to pack in for good,I am having surgery next monday so need to at least stay off the cigs for a week but hopefully it will be forever.


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Morning. Godd luck daffy. Can't say I know what you going thru, cos I have never been a smoker, but I imagine it'll be tough going for a while. You'll do it!! Just think of those new grandchildren you have on the way!
Good luck with it daffy.I haven`t had a ciggy for 3 weeks cos ive had a nasty chest infection,but the tester will be friday night when i go out.
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Thanks ladies.:-)
well done hau kola,you're past the worst part now so with any luck you should be fine when you go out.
Well done so far daffy, fingers crossed that you can stay off the weed.
I stopped eight years ago and it's the best decision I made.
Don't worry if you develope a cough and bring up dark coloured phegm, that your lungs getting rid of the tar and gunge that's been sticking to them since you started.

Good luck also with the op, hope all goes well
well done - I have given up for 3 1/2 years now. Try and keep it up, you really will feel so much better for it.
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I bring up dark coloured phlegm anyway as I have emphysema and asthma. Stopping smoking is the best thing I can do for my health so hopefully I can do it. I have stopped many times before but always start again after 3-6 months.
Well done 4GS for staying off the cigs for all this time.
Best of luck with the surgery Daffy - and hope you manage to stop smoking.
stick at it. it's very difficult, i was a smoker for over fifty years, had to pack up after having two heart by-passes. been off them for three and a half years now, and i know I'll never start again, though every so often I fancy one, my advice is grit yer teeth and say no, but don't get the idea it's going to be easy,
I wish you the best of luck, pete.
i applaud your determination and i wish you the best of success. it will require immense will power but you will feel better and it will save you lots of money.

good luck - and my thoughts will be with you
i applaud your determination

it will be tough and require will power but you'll feel better and save money

good luck
Good for you daffy, hope you can do it! I havent smoked for 8 months now (good job I did give seeing as Im expecting now lol) Good luck with the surgery next week too!

Hau Kola, the first time I went out after quitting, I was lucky enough to be out with non smokers and didnt even give it a second thought til someone I didnt know asked me for light! But I was ok as you will be too :)
daffy, well done and good luck! I hope your op goes OK.

My partner has given up and started again a couple of times since July, when the ban came in, so it's a bit of an uphill struggle for him, but he's trying so hard!

I used to smoke when I was a teenager, and was on quite a few a day. Here's a tip from an old Irish friend of mine. He said that the urge for a cigarette peaks after about 20 seconds, so sip from a bottle of still water. A few minutes later you might need to repeat it, but somehow or other, it really does take the edge off needing the fix. After a week or so of doing this, the urge to smoke definitely drops, and within a month, you can ditch the water and be smoke-free. It worked for me, & to prove my point, I sat between two friends who were smoking, just 4 weeks after stopping - and was fine! So good luck.

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