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Fern Britton

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lainiej | 10:54 Mon 26th Nov 2007 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Doesnt Fern look great!! Anyone know what her diet plan is? TIA Elaine x


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Shes still the size of a whale!
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Is there any need..............?
Rev, thats not nice! Fern is lovely and does look much slimmer now. Not sure what diet she's on though.
Apparently she has been doing loads of cycling and has smaller portions of food! Seems to be working as she has reportedly gone from a dress size 24 to an 18!
i think she is just watching what she eats.
she watches the steak and the chips and the curry and the apple pie and everything else as she eats it
lol @ rallyman

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Fern Britton

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