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pe teaching

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nat_84 | 14:37 Tue 27th Nov 2007 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers
Does anyone have any experience or know where'd i start? I've got 3 A levels of which only English would be relevant to teaching! (The other two are media studies and DT). I've come across a course online called 'Sports Physiology Diploma' and i'm not sure whether it would be benficial to take this course. I know science plays a big part in PE so think my first step would be retaking my science GSCE (as i completely flopped back in school!)... Anyone have any advice on where to start or adivce any grants i could get to help me pay for these courses?! thanks in advance xxx


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ive been PE teaching for two years (off sick today!) you will need Cs in science to get on to any degree course, none of my a levels were sport related so that doesnt necessarily matter, i did my degree in sports studies, then a PGCE a one year teaching qualification once you have a degree and you get 6000 pounds for doing it, in summary a sport related degree or a 4 year PE course which isnt funded- any other questions let me know or find me on facebook!
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thanks toddy! i'll have plenty of questions for you!

so do you think the Sports Physiology Diploma would be worth doing or should i concentrate on retaking my science gcse?
can u get on the course without Cs in Science? you ill need them anyway, perhaps you could do both at the same time, GCSE science wont be that hard.
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yeah true... good point!! Yeah i can get on that Diploma one without the Cs in Science as its an online course... WIll look at prices and see wether its worth doing both!

[email protected] - i'm on facebook - add me so i can use you as my personal advisor please! lol.

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