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Bewlay Bros | 21:31 Tue 27th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
What a load of weey pants. I was expecting Michael Caine and get this crap remake!!!!

Does it get better, because I have a good mind to turn over!!!


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I had sky+ed this but have deleted it as too many Scrubs too watch..
I keep bobbing in & out between the adverts. Note sure what programme you're referring to Wardy - but the original film Alfie was brilliant & nothing could ever top it!
it's rubbish watch something else
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The Jude Law remake smudgers.

Dorothy is quite right. It's awful so I have switched over!!!!

It is hardly promising for the new Sleuth is it??

Italian Job remake was OKish (though very different). I bet you 50 pounds they will remake Zulu is the next five years.
OMG, I can just imagine! I bet it's a load of crap!
There's only one thing worse than sitting down in front of the tele expecting a good film and it being cr@p - paying good money and seeing it at the cinema - where you cant turn it over.

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