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i've just noticed .....

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excelsior | 13:05 Thu 29th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
there is no facility on this alternate site to 'close' off ones question and prevent answering e-mails - as there is on the original. therefore, how does one close the post?


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Seems to be fine for my's same place as usual: top right above the ads.

Hope that helps
Oh wait, my bad...I was on the wrong version of apologies.

But you are correct.
Question Author
that's ok. my e-mail in box is filling up with responses and i have no way of stopping them - as in the original site
can you not look up the question on the old site and do it there?
Question Author
thank you redcrx. i have just done that --- seems a bit of a long way round though

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i've just noticed .....

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