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New AB under construction?

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andi17 | 22:03 Thu 29th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Hi all... been trying to log onto new AB for just keep getting message saying 'under construction'. Anyone else getting this? So I'm on the old one with no avatars and no PM :( x


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Hold your head high, Redbel. Two short mahogany ones are better than none at all!
Ice..Mahogany..that's too posh for a scally like me....more like ;)
My " Consultant chemical pathologist " has booked me in for a liver scan , so am a bit concerned about that .
But have cut down the drink to every other night .
It's still 15 pints a night though .
Too many units .
Bless your heart! Think big! From little acorns.....
Beerbelly are you on this PM thing?
I'll try Ice xxx
P M thing ?
sorry for making you think that :( i wouldn't have a dig at someone for no reason. I was just following on from your mention of charades.
no worries beerbelly xx

Thats the problem when answers cross each other , it doesn't take much to confuse me at the best of times .lol
x x

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New AB under construction?

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