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saga dec

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Puzzle Nut | 15:19 Sun 02nd Dec 2007 | Crosswords
6 Answers
28 a. Travelling provisions for one accepted by sibylline middleman.


Thanks. It might get me going again.


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Viatica - (Chambers) - (pl) "money, provisions, etc, for a journey" - I'm sorry, I don't get the rest of the clue...
Agreed .. I have Viatica
The reasoning is Vatic (prophet/sibylline) + i (one) + a (middle mAn)
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Thanks a lot. The only bit I was happy about was the 'middle mAn' at the end.!!!!!
Thanks sarumite - I hate it when the "description" is obvious & the "word play" throws me...
I know the feeling well Lie-in King, I seem to remember that I found the answer originally without fully understanding the clue.

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saga dec

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