roots too light!! in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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roots too light!!

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klab88 | 21:27 Mon 18th Oct 2004 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
I just went to get my roots done (I have highlighted blonde hair), and in stead of highlighting them, she painted my roots all over and it is was too drastic and looks sort of orangy! Is there any way to fade the color?  And i feel like if I got low lights it would look unnatural, HELP
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Go back to your hairdresser & complain. You didn't get what you asked for & you have the right to have it corrected. Any problems mention the Hairdressers Guild or Trading Standards.
did you ask for an all over colour? the hairdresser can just put some darker blonde tone sthrough to tone down the colour but it won't look as bad after a bit!

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roots too light!!

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