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message for CB admin

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devilwoman | 07:56 Wed 05th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
please would you e-mail me bbwchatt;s old sigbar
she has been asking where she can retrieve it from.
if anyone hears from cb admin, could you ask him to respond .
thanks very much.


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[Quote] 'The Chatterbank Logo & Name' and 'Signature Bars & Avatars' created by 'Naz Nomad' remain the sole property of The Chatterbank and may not be used without permission from the site owner. Any plagiarism of the aforementioned 'Chatterbank Logo & Name', or 'Signature Bars & Avatars' for use outside of The Chatterbank is strictly prohibited and will be treated as theft.

Taken from the 'Site Regulations'

So unless Naz is contacted and he approves (which i don't tink he will), i don't think it will be possible
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thanks stoppit, obviously its not for me, which i could understand, its me he has a problem with, as far as i know bbw has never offended anyone, but she would love to have her old sigbar back.

thanks for the info tho. xx

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