Sorry Goodsoulette, but I've not heard of one of them so I reckon it's highly improbable.
Those authors that puss_boots reeled off are all rubbish too.
Big up Marie Curie though, nobody's even mentioned her and her inventions/discoveries have probably helped more people than the rest of them put together.
I think the list of patents that was posted early on is a bit dubious though, the car heater really sounds to me like it was invented by the bloke and he credited it to the wife for suggesting the idea. A couple of the other ones sound quite tenuous to me too. Sorry, I just can't get my head round big butch women inventing circular saws and such like, back in the day, just can't imagine them being solely responsible for it, I know women are very creative but I reckon they were given credit for a lot of those ideas rather than the actual construction of the first prototypes. Depends how you perceive invention.