This is a huge issue about which whole books have been written, but in a nutshell, yes I think Kanchan is correct is his/ her supposition. The reason Saddam has been demonised is not because he's a screwed up, evil, genoicidal maniac - which he undoubtedly is - but because he dared to opose the political will of the US. If you doubt this, check the foriegn policy of the US against countries which change from Pro-US interests to pro-their own interests - Noriega was another one. Known to be bankrolled by drug money, the US turned a blind eye, until the point when he changed his policy towards US investment. At this point he suddenly became the world's most evil despot, and a threat to US security (er... pardon? I hardly think so, etc) who had to be taken out. Saddam was the US's tool against Iraq, but when they started to encroach on the oil markets (which the US doesn't actually even need or use except as a tool of economic policy) their short comings were suddenly publicised... Check Noam Chomsky's Deferring Democracy if you're interested.