Megan in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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YvonneM | 19:48 Wed 05th Dec 2007 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
Just a chat really just to let you know that Megan our 6 month lab is doing well she will never replace Rosie but is a real smasher she is already walking off the lead in the woods and returns on call even when other dogs and people are present. But like all other labs she is a thief where food is concerned Nothing frightens her even the red arrows flying low over our garden and we both enjoyed the fireworks on bonfire night Are we all ignoring Graviate I am sure its a bloke
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So glad to hear that your Megan has settled in so well.
Know what you mean about never replacing your last dog.
I love my little Misty but she will never replace my last Westie. Having said that, they both have or had different qualities and natures. Each animal has it's own loving ways and nature.
She sounds like fun.
Hi Yvonne, great news that Megan is doing so well. She sounds absolutely wonderful, a real gem!

Jack is my first dog-I am not looking forward to the time when I talk about him in a past tense! I love him so much.

Gravitate is a t*t, so I think everyone is turning their back!

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What breed is Jack
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Yvonne, Jack is a Border Collie. What makes you ask? He is a black and white bundle of mad, and I love him more than I have ever loved anything before!
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It makes it more interesting when talking about your dog if I know which breed it is cos every breed has its own characteristics. My neighbour has a border collie called Holly and she chases shadows they tend to be very active, faithful and very clever

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