Krom, I don't believe I'm being over-dramatic, or making anything up - and since I don't read the tabloids I don't believe I'm afflicted with tabloid hysteria either. Those who work for a living are being screwed into the ground with more and more taxes, much of which is being grossly mismanaged and totally wasted; immigration figures are unknown and we have illegal immigrants working in government security; our NHS is buckling; our hospitals are filthy; NHS dentists are thin on the ground, and if you can find one, unless you are on benefits, treatment costs a small fortune; kids are leaving school unable to read and write; police spend their time form-filling instead of tackling crime, unless of course it's a driving offence and then they're quick to act because it's an easy one for their figures, since like all public services, they are working to impossible government targets; our private lives are being interfered with to the extent that dustbin police are now checking our garbage to ensure we're putting the right things in the right bins; council workers will soon be given authority to enter our homes and snoop around taking pictures in order to reassess our council tax; databases of our dna are being compiled, and we will soon have to complete a lengthy form every time we want to leave to country stating, amongst other things, where we're going and where we're staying. This government is interfering in every aspect of our lives and our personal freedoms are being systematically eroded. In my opinion this country has not only gone downhill since the advent of New Labour - it's gone completely to pot.