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canoe man

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excelsior | 17:18 Fri 07th Dec 2007 | News
8 Answers
police want more time to question mr darwin about his 5 year absence .. obvoiusly they are interested in darwins theory of evasion . ha ha ha ha ha


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Haven't the police got anything better to do than question him on how much he evolved over the last 5 years.
The latest story is that he canoed all the way to Panama and once there disposed of it so it came back via the gulf stream. He was only reported missing, not dead.
Makes you wonder what the government are 'burying' when a story like this takes so much air time?
Good luck to him, he was only trying to escape from the rat race... heh heh
escaping from the rat race is OK if the 500,000 you take with you is legally yours?
Wasnt it his Mrs's?
I would hope the couple are made to pay back every penny the police are spending on this case! Can't see it though - they'll probably get out of it by declaring themselves bankrupt!

As their actions were all down to lies & pure greed, I hope they end up on their uppers!
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