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bigmamma | 17:17 Mon 10th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Oh , I could cry , but I won't because it's silly to over a small matter but.....the builders have just gone and the dining room wall is bare down to the bricks . They explained to me that the bricks are actually wet , and showed them crumbling . I now have to wait weeks for them to dry out . I can't shut the door and forget about it as it's the middle room next to the kitchen and my dining table and all is under a white dust sheet . Goodness knows where we will eat now :-(


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bigmamma - You o.k? What happened? xx
won't a dehumidifyer (sp)? work?
Oh dear bigmamma - this is all you need, especially at this time of the year. I remember when we had to have a door taken off. The wind that swept down the hallway was perishing, and we couldn't find anything that'd fit against the hole. Could you take some food upstairs, and snuggle up in bed to watch TV? x.
aww thats bad news bigmamma, they always say that for every bad thing that happens, something good always crops up! I hope this is true for you too, Hopefully them weeks will fly by, time to stock up on TV dinners!!
Well bigmamma, Take everything out of your dining room, go out and get the biggest Christmas Tree you can find and put it in the middle of your room and decorate the whole room up as a Christmas grotto. Invite all your friends and neighbours, turn the music up loud and open up the wine bottles.

You will then feel much better. And anyway Christmas Dinner will taste just as good if eaten from a tray on your laps!

Cheer up m'dear :o)
Oh bigmamma,
Whatever is going to happen next!
Sorry to hear about your damp, but it is only bricks and mortar. Easy for me to say, but my Mum had a saying "Your house will be there when you are not"
I really would close the door as it will make the house feel colder.
Does not matter where you all eat, if it is Christmas you are concerned about.
It is the people with whom you share you dinner.
In a few weeks time it will all be back to normal. x
sorry to hear that big mamma with your asthma as well not good to deal with dampness but at least the problem is getting fixed. Just not the best time to go through it but dont worry even if you have your christmas dinner with a tray on your lap, im sure you"l have a lovely day as its what you make of it . xxx
Hi Bigmamma - sorry to here about your problem. If all they have done is remove the plaster on one wall, there really is no excuse for the room to be out of action. Assuming all the rubble and tools etc have been removed, first hoover the wall thoroughly (seriously). Take off all the dust sheets, do a BIG clean up and put the furniture back as though nothing has happenened. Ignore the wall and have a great Christmas.............. :o)))))
ps I've done this loads of times..........
Me to! And actually the last time we exposed the wall back to the bare bricks we liked it so much it stayed that way!!
Oh BM, I do feel for you.

Did the builders say where the dampness was coming from and how it got into the brickwork? You definitely don't want it happening again once its been sorted. :-( xxx
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Hello, thankyou for all your very kind answers , you abers are really super . Sorry I have only just come back but I had to go out to the shop for food.
Skyep and tiggerblue , it was a damp wall that needed damp course proofing or something . They replaced the gutters too as they found a hole in it. Ice.Maiden, cazzz, cruella , Hussy , Loffty Lottie , thankyou for your replies sweeties too . LOL lottie , could be a new style for me.
John honey , I don't have one of those but I guess the radiator will help .The Builder , yes I think that will be what I will do , once I have swept up and mopped the floor .:-)
Think you will have to make the best of what you have , and people will come to see you over the Christmas break and eat , drink and be merry . Friends and family come to visit you not the house !! Chill out and have a good time !!

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