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been off the alcohol for almost a month

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REDHEAD24 | 20:38 Sat 15th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
feeling a lot better in meself , have more cash in me pocket , well i had a few last sat nite , but no where as bad as i used to be , my skin is really clear now and my eyes are brighter

celebrate with me lovers and grumps xx


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Well hellooo bright eyes
well done you redhead, how much were you drinking ?
Well done you RED.
Keep it up.
better to be sored and flush, than piston broke !!!!
Here you go red just for you.
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lol thanks all

i was binge drinking every friday without fail , and it was making me depressed , i still see my friends , i just dont go out drinking like i used to and am really proud , its amazing how much weight gained from drinking alone so thought i would share it with u all x g
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sticky lmao what the hell has that got to do with anything ???? im nota drug dealer / pimp / money launderer lol u silly sod
good for you redhead,hmmmmmmmm mebee thats where im pudding on the pounds.alcohol?
Well done you!
I don't drink often, but when I do, I must admit, I always have one too many and often not, pay the price the next day.
Last night at my firm's do, I was good and drink some water between drinks and today, no hangover.
I just wish I could stop eating. I look like I've swallowed the proverbial turkey!!! lol.
lol @ funnygirl
Red,ive been off the drink too since i had a bad chest infection.I stopped smoking too and because one goes with the other,i havent had either except when i went out the other week but i took it easy.Havent had a fag for 8 weeks.Mind you,i quite fancy a glass of wine tonight.
Well done Redhead , 6 weeks for me , and lovin' the new me .
Good luck BB.

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been off the alcohol for almost a month

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