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confusednow | 20:20 Sun 16th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
have you ever been in a depressing work situation and how have you moved onto a better and different role. I want to move on from what i do at the mo but want to take time out so need to stay in the job for a while to save money and then want to move in with my gf who is far away at the moment.


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hmm, have you posted this question as a different name before?

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If you are depressed at work, then I say move on and out.
It may take a while for the work situation to get better and you yourself will not be getting better, just more and more depressed. I say leave.
hi, not heard from you in a while, have you made any decisions lately? Still in retail i gather?
If you are not happy, move on, if you cannot contemplate spending the next year doing the same thing then email your cv to some agencies and get looking for another job.

the only person that can change your life is you, the longer it takes for you to do something about a bad situation the more precious life you will waste.
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not really dot and yes still at same job. :>(
I thought that too dot, I debated whether I should give some advice because he never listens to it...

I did anyway, I expect there will be a lot of indecisiveness in his replies, at whatever advice he is given ~:(
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i am sorry i wont ask for advice anymore i will just do or not do anything. sorry
I think the latter....
wonder if Bob will be on tonight, he is always willing to give you advice.
So you need to save money ... well stop buying your girlfriend so many presents. Shop for A present only when the occasion arises.
Anybody want a bite of my kebab
-- answer removed --
Come on Confused, be strong and make a decision.
You cannot expect other people to make your decisions for you. You have got to live your life and is this how you want to live it??? In depression???
So be positive for once. Make one decision at a time.
Look for a new job.
Leave old job.
Work at new job for a while.
Then move in with girlfriend
It will get easier.
funnygirl this aber has been asking the same question for aboput 2 years now and never seems to take anyone's positive or even negative advice
Thanks for the warning Dot. Funny how people like wasting your time!!

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