And I know that you have all told me to stay of the beta site as I will get put in the dungeon. But I dont care I have been in there so many times now that it is like water of a lippy ducks back. And I wont give up as soon as one of me goes into the dark dephts of the dungeon then another will arisse out of there just like a phoenix from the ashes. The ed aint going to get the better of me with her crafty little party tricks as we all know what she is doing at the moment
you can stay on the beta site and not get zapped by submitting a reply, then when the red screen comes up, go to the back button, when ab beta screen comes back, press submit, simple, your reply goes on, no banning, no worries
no that's wrong, press the back button and when ab screen returns pres the F5 refresh button soz, do not press submit again it will get you zapped!!!!!!!!
Thanks for that dot but I kinda like it in the dungeon now as skyep is in the dungeon next to all of us and we have some very interesting conversations in the wee small hours of the night.
You wanna join us in here.
We have had some good barbies and burnt an effegy of the ed to a crisph as chris eubank would say.