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donkey stoned step

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dot.hawkes | 22:28 Tue 18th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Mine is gleaming, what about yours then?


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Hehe, not long after I moved into this house, my (elderly) neighbour tackled me about my misbehaviour - apparently I had not been scrubbing the front step with vim frequently enough for her..... and then another neighbour gave me a set of (ghastly) nylon nets for my front bedroom because I didn't have any up. I also got into trouble for hanging my washing out on a sunday (omg on a sunday !!!!) instead of a monday... Well, 30 years later I am still here and still misbehaving lol Wouldn't move for the world !
I'm off to the land of nod now, one last thought, when the rag and bone man came round did he quite frighten you or was he a welcome visitor. I ask this because he was to me a scary person.
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you hung your washing out on a sunday? there is just no nead tut
One thing still puzzles me........why the name DONKEY? Lol
Aye, I know Dot... sorry ! (trouble is, sometimes it's only dry on Sundays round here, so needs must eh ?)
Lol tiggerblue , I was wondering that too !
The answer is here
Thankyou Juggerling :-) x
Enjoyed that Juggles, thankyou !! x x
I see. Nice one Jugglering x
I am in hysterics at being called *Juggles* now...... pmsl

Shurrup you lot, I didn't choose this flippin' name !
rag and bone man lol , my dad used to give us a dustpan and bucket and told us to follow him until his horse dropped one, then he would give us sixpence for it ........ aahh those were the days ......... i also remember me mum doing the red lead stuff, all round the front room , big carpet square and tiled on the outside.....

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