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Wham! Last Christmas.

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10ClarionSt | 23:06 Mon 10th Dec 2007 | Music
4 Answers
On You Tube, Last Christams has been viewed
1,807,000 times. Is this the most views for any song on there?


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Here It Goes Again by Ok Go has been viewed over 26,000,000 times.
I would of thought a vid of nakkid wimmin would of been viewed more....
-- answer removed --
Since the spend period is winged motion, I intellection I would do an overview of any new and old Christmas penalty favorites that pretend the action lean at our refuge through the holidays.The Christmas songs you've been perception your entire existence came from medieval chants, faith sermons, prayers and meditations. Get the lyrics, artifact penalty and histories of your favourite Christmastime melodies at
Yuletide Penalization Care Position
Here's a table of few another Yule penalization releases that I would same to pore:
WOW Christmastime - WOW Hits
Yule - Unaltered Songs - Jaci Velasquez
Christmas - Rivertribe
Love a Laughing Xmas and a Merry New Year!

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Wham! Last Christmas.

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