A 'dreadful' thing happened last night. I went out with a card to someone I hadn't posted one to before. I braved the steps up to his front door in the pitch black (the steps (about 8 of them) are really old and in the process of being demolished and are covered in mud), only to find that there wasn't a postbox. So I had to brave the steps back down again and creep through a gate to the back door, all the time looking to see if I was being watched. Got to the back door and, guess what, no postbox!!!. I had the dogs with me so it was getting to be quite an expedition.
In the end, I had to knock on the door with my fist (no knocker or bell)!!! By this time it was nearly a nervous breakdown, especially as the dogs started barking as I knocked on the door!
Anyway, when he opened the door we did have quite a laugh about it all, although I daren't mention my postaphobia!!!
Apparently, there is a post box of sorts down by the front gate hidden behind a bush that the postman is aware of!!!!!
By the way, I was killing myself laughing yesterday afternoon at all the ladies creeping round the town in the dark clutching their little pile of cards in their hand!!
Ha, ha. Christmas has taken on a new meaning for me!!!