Debt Collection in The AnswerBank: Personal Finance
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Debt Collection

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badger2486 | 02:38 Wed 19th Dec 2007 | Personal Finance
2 Answers
I was hoping someone could help me with my rights regarding a debt I am paying. I moved out of the country to pursue a job and left a debt in the uk which I am paying a minimum amount. I have since been warned that the amount is not enough and it has been turned over to collection. Can I be turned over to collection even when I am still paying monthly? If I refuse to increase my monthly payment and continue to pay what I have been paying can I be taken to court. Keep in mind I do not live in the uk anymore. Thanks for your help.
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There is nothing to stop the creditor demanding larger payments unless the payments you are making are in accordance with a County Court Judgement which presumably is not the case.

If the creditor knows your present address & hence that you are not in UK he may have some difficulty in getting a CCJ in this country, but I don't think it is impossible because tyhe debt was incurred under UK law. To check this you need to contact the Courts Service.

It is also possible that the creditor could sell the debt on - maybe to an outfit in the country where you live & you might then be subject to the debt collection laws in that country.

On the whole, it is best if you can to agree increased payments and keep them up.
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Thank you for your help and I will look into your advice.

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