News6 mins ago
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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ... ...pulled with no warning, they can't just plant the edges etc now, too late. ...
At the next American Presidential election could he arrange for Vance to stand and he would run for Vice President? If they were elected Vance would then resign and Trump would then reoccupy what... ... Right oh! because Middle England just loves a whole lot of Liberal stuff. ... Is anyone surprised? ...
....over ceasefire talks, as strikes continue on Ukraine. Is the love affair over ... and so soon too? ...
//Sir Keir wants the UK to be seen as leading the global response to irregular migration and the summit underlines the government's conviction that only international co-operation along the... ... Unbelievable. ...
Has passed away aged 90. he was my first crush in The slipper and the Rose. Another great gone.
interesting video, id call it an invasion, smash the... ... So it seems the tory idea was right after all. Labour are now adopting... ...
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby says he "forgives" John Smyth. Smyth was a prominent figure in the Church of England who brutally abused more than 100 boys in the UK and Africa.... ...
Surely it would be cheaper to build a second tunnel at Dartford to unjam the M25 (something this one is hardly likely to do). ...
Reward for incompetence ? ...
We're so lucky in UK not being in an earthquake zone (just the occasional minor tremble). One thing the modern fad for CCTV surveillance gives us is some idea of how terrifying it must be, like... ... ...
//Vladimir Putin has said the United States is “serious” about taking Greenland and warned Russia is ready and willing to militarily “protect its interests in the... ... Ok so 2% on those with assets over £10m sounds like it will only... ...
//The Trump administration has written to French companies holding US government contracts ordering them to comply with an executive order banning diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)... ... I think he thought the exporters to the US paid it. ...
Well done that young man and he doesn't even want to be named. A credit to the country don't you think? ...