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the last noel

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legend758duo | 12:47 Sat 22nd Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
whens the last time you were no well at xmas?
did it spoil your day?
were you maybe in hospital over xmas?
or did you have the brad pitts?
did it spoil your xmas day?


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Hello Legend , 2 years ago I was in hospital Christmas day afternoon :-(
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how was it for ya mamma?
2 years ago i got the "brads" the day before i broke up for xmas and was really bad until jan 2nd now that was a bad xmas
I had already got the dinner out of the way and all pressies had been given and opened so it wasn't too bad after all having xmas end suddenly .
Hi legend, I've never been ill over christmas but that may be about to change this year, I'm trying to fight off a vomiting virus that has knocked colleagues one by one for six this week, I'm feeling pretty nauseous and trying to psych myself up to go out to the shops for a few bits. my son was notorious for being sick over christmas when he was little, doctors used to say the overexcitement reduced his resistance to viruses etc.Wishing anyone who is unwell this christmas a speedy recovery x
Last year! I was dead on the sofa with the dog for company, felt rotten. My mother was in hospital over christmas once in 1978 having me removed from her though!
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so ur birthday soon china

dead on couch ??
Apparently so.

Well the photos certainly look like a dead curl curled up with a jack russell.
curl = girl. May still be running a slight temperature.
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aw 29?
such a sweet little thing eh?

happy birthday when it comes doll xx
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Cheers. Never did see the point of celebrating the point of getting older. Still, no wrinkles yet.

TRIGGS!! Heya doll, y'alright!

I'd say merry christmas back but I'm more of a bah humbug kind of girl... ;0)

How's you? Cold enough up there for you yet? Bloody freezing this end.
we all got the flu last boxing day! We were really ill with it and never moved for 5 days ! Missed new year too! :-(
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past your best?

hope you recover trig?

anyway folks im offski

bored outta my t1ts here

need some entertainment

Tut... even past my best I'm still better than all the rest. Good Grief, how can that ever be in doubt?!

'...million pounds on dolls...' Aww sweetie, you shouldn't have! ;0P Christmas sounds good for you poppet, enjoy it! I'll let paulos and Gromit know you said hi, although to be fair you could all just lean out the window and shout 'how do' to each other before you walk the ferrats.

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the last noel

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