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Sexy 2008 Fate...

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China Doll | 18:10 Sun 23rd Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
I've just been handed a copy of That's Life with apparently my sexy fate for 2008 in it.

Would anyone like to know theirs?



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I always get the blame...

jno - Does that mean I just typed out leo for no reason then?! You cheeky wee scamp!
Jugglering tosses China Doll a tenner

Cheers doll ! Now, did it say just when this *love action* was likely to take place.. do I have time for a bit more fine tuning on the alliteration front (just in case) ?
Question Author
Well if you can stop Quoi castrating himself you might have half a chance but frankly I think he prefers my alliterations to yours... (if he knows what's good for him).

Newsdesk is doing a good line in tying people up for the new experiences but as yet we're unsure as to whether it's male or females they'd like.

Country boy seems promising though.... Go spruce yourself up and come back and stand provactively. That'll work.
CD did mine say I wsa fickle too - it should have done - I have been reading Jaceys alliterations.......
a twelfth of your readers will have been only too delighted to hear about Leo's prospects, so don't castigate yourself...
Question Author
They're good aren't they? I think I've been undone... Not sure me and That's Life can compete with that.

A fragrant fickle fart.
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It's not me I'd like to castigate jno!

Now where're are Quoi's bricks?
Just made me think about the brutally bruising bricks though
Question Author
Ooooh..... that'd be an ardently awful affliction.
oh, us tropically territorial tigers love pertinent planetary prognostication.
Question Author
Ha!! ^^^^ That right there, that's why you're never allowed to lose that sense of humour m'dear!
oh welll as a saggitarius.
no love really but business should do well.
thanks china

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