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what is up with the site tonight?

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dot.hawkes | 22:19 Mon 24th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
too much festive celebrations in the ab techies office eh?


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Its funny because in wishing them a merry christmas I also said "I hope you lot wont be naffing orf and leaving the site in case it goes down"

I bet they are all having a knees up in the office, bludgers!
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well i didn't send the ed a chrimbo card and so i thought for a minute i had been excluded lol

Hi cazzzz.....I have got tomorrow off work!!! what you up to?
it will probably be bedtime before I see the page load this answer!, tomorrow will be full of wrapping paper, sore fingers from ripping plastic tags and hopefully some good grub!!

I hope you have a good day planned on your day off dot?!
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Lol , hi you two , I was thinking that the crew were too busy getting merry too . I can't even get any page of the old AB to load .:-) xxx
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arghhh I cant post messages, I type them then submit and nothing!!
Yessss! Finally got on here!
What the hell is going on?
Not even an Ed blog to wish us all a merry Christmas.... bah humbug!

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I fear this is the beginning of the end. I don't think crystal Guides has enough money to throw at this site for the minimal returns it generates. I think they will cut their losses in the New Year and we will all be history.
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can anyone see my post? Ive done loads, but cant see any of them

this is what it sounds like when doves cry..
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well it might be a surge in power caused by the monks switching to broardband you know

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what is up with the site tonight?

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