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k. f. c.

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MONTCRIEFF49 | 16:54 Tue 25th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
is it open on boxing day as i need to take my great nephew an neices for lunch
tommorow as they are staying overnite
loads of fun for me wat yous doing tommorrow nite xxxxxxx



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mont come round to mine i have some left over duck - it was horrid yuk never again i will stick to turkey bird flu next year x
Question Author
luv duck
but a bit busy the morra with me bratz
im porkie this year so ill get swine hunt instead
lol x
You have a happy boxing day there monty with hewwy and dewwy.
Shouldent think that kfc is open manana but you never know if not we will have loads of turkey left over if you want me to email it to you.
Question Author
dont want to be gobbled as i hate turkey
your only after my e.mail adress
lol x merry xmas

hope this helps u lovers xxx

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