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getting paid

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dot.hawkes | 22:10 Sun 23rd Dec 2007 | Jobs & Education
11 Answers
we get paid next friday, except for the staff in Ireland, they were paid last Friday, is this fair, legal, taking the mick, should i complain officially to my employers?


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do u normally get paid a week before them ?
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no we were all supposed to be paid next fridsy but they were paid a week early, same job, same company, i don;t get it
Sounds like envy to me. Does it matter?
If they got their money last Friday, surely it was giving TO the mick, not taking the mick.
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yes it matters, to me anyway. i am very envious that they were paid in the irish branches but i wasn't. i am annoyed about it too.
i agree dot i would be ****** bring it up with payroll
ask why the delay

and see if they will give u a gesture of goodwill x
What delay- it's being paid on time to dot.hawkes.
oh is ee
i nette r stop the winegums
Unless someone works in a job where their terms and conditions of service are laid down by statute (e.g. teaching) or where a trade union collectively negotiates a common deal for all staff, every employee's contract with their employer is entirely separate from that of any other employee.

For example, your employer could employer someone to work alongside you, doing exactly the same job, but pay them 10 times as much as you get, give them ten times as much holiday and pay them early at holiday times while making you wait until the normal date. As long as the employer stays within the laws relating to minimum pay, minimum holidays and various specific forms of discrimination, it's all perfectly legal.

In the major City financial institutions, people work alongside colleagues (doing exactly the same job) who're paid 4 or 5 times what they're getting. As stated, it's perfectly legal, and long may it remain so.

i think you get the best of the deal Dot. I hate being paid early, january seems so long when you get paid 2 weeks into dec. This year i put the money in another account and will pay it to myself on payday
This is easy. Here in Ireland we generally shut down for the week between Xmas and New Year's. It's both traditional and practical to be paid in advance - it's probable that the finance office here also has hols over that period, even if the front-line staff haven't. Don't forget it's a different jurisdiction, and even if you're employed by the same companies even the employment law you are employed under is different. A good example of this is my counterpart in a US arm of my company gets only 1 week annual leave, i get four, and we're doing exactly the same job.

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