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marlboro outwit the west

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randynicky | 04:14 Tue 21st Sep 2004 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
100 pound cowboy boots


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Next time please post in the Quizzes section. Thankyou.
A further request: If you are going to post questions from a quiz on the answerbank, please ask all the questions in one post, rather than separately. this prevents the whole site being clogged up and makes it easier for users to help you.
Do you have any clue of how to search the internet? or are you just too lazy?
google "biggest authentic cowboy boots" it will bring you to the link
Go to guiness book look under fashion the answer is there and the pic is also.
You can all find a pic of the boots, even the city and state, but WHERE ARE THEY?  what is the LOCATION of the boots????

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marlboro outwit the west

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