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bigmamma | 13:28 Thu 27th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Hello , I see the sales are in full swing . As always , Next is very popular , with over 200 people waiting this morning for its 5am opening . Will you be heading out to see what bargains you can pick up ? Which shops , if any , will you be going to ? xx


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no thanks i work in a retail park and its rammed at the moment, i can't face going into the shops as well! (well ok i did pop into sains to get some lunch but that about it)
I've never quite got the fascination with Next at all, I love sales but bu$$er getting up at 5am to go shopping. You can get enough bargains on net now anyway all year round
i just don't get why people want to spend time rammed into shops like sardines, for the sake of saving a few quid, like 4get says you can do it on the net thesedays just as cheaply.
I'm about to take us all out to town for an airing bigmamma. Using the park and ride. Dont know what shops we are going to. My mum wont be able to trudge round for long, my son has an eye test booked for new glasses. He broke his spare glasses (the others fell off his face coming home sloshed on the bus and he didn't notice).

I'd rather go the diy stores - still got a house to do up. But if I see a bargain....
As I work in the West End, I will wait until I go back to work.
I know all the good bargains will be gone, but there is nothing I really want.
The shop I love to go to most of all is Marks and Spencers.
I see they had a 6am opening this morning!!
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Hello mccfluff , 4get , and rabbitygirl , I don't know where they get the money for sales after christmas , I never seem to have any left over !
My son and I are popping into the local mall this afternoon as we are looking for Friends Scene it game .We have seen it on the net but bad postage options , so thought we would check first . Also , my son has some christmas money burning a hole in his pocket . He wants to find a protective cover for the ipod touch I got him . :-) xxx
brrrr, I wont be doing anymore unnecessary purchasing, I have been to asda though to get some bread and milk
I know every year I say right this year and gonna put some money aside for the sales
mornin mamma and everyone

I wont be shopping, did enough damage last weekend lol, is tempting tho to see what bargains are there, its too wet and miserable here to go out tho

Al x
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Lol 4get , so do I .............of mice and men eh?
and get a present every now and then when I see something for someone so its all done before xmas.
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Hi funnygirl , cazzz , and weeal :-D xxx
i dont do the sales
but partner does lv a bargain
gawd knows wat it will *** bk with the day
I worked yesterday and it was the first day of the debs sale, i took more money yesterday than any day this year and actually took as much in the one day as i have taken in a whole week at the quiet times. i was exhausted and we sold so many boots!!!! cannot believe how many people had waited, they were buying anything we had left in their size!!! It's amazing really, and the whole store was packed too and took a record amount, people just want the product, they don;t care that it is after christmas, l;ots more waited i think.
I am gonna avoid the sales, never find owt I want anyway and I feel sorry for the poor staff that have to start work at 5am on Boxing day. had to go to sainsburys this morning though and it was deserted
I've never got any spare money and am of the belief that something is only a bargain if it's what you really want or need. I don't understand people buying stuff cheaply just because it's in a sale and then claiming they had a bargain. If it's not something they particularly want then they've spent money they wouldn't have spent ordinarily. Where's the saving there?
Damn the flaming sales!

My mum was out shopping with me last week and was going to buy some clothes that were already at sale prices, so I paid for them as part of her Christmas present. They didn't fit her so I took them back today. I thought my mum had the receipt and she thought I had it. Seems neither of us were given the damned thing and although the shop labels were all still on them, they had been flipping reduced even further when I returned them and I got less than half my money back!!!

Note to all: Make sure you get a receipt!

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