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pompei595 | 21:12 Thu 27th Dec 2007 | Technology
2 Answers
Is there a free version of Photoshop or any other image correcting software that can be downloaded, and if so, where can I get it? Is it easy to use? Does it come with instructions? I am interested in cropping, image size reduction and red-eye correction mainly.



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For such basic requirements, Irfanview is a possible solution. It should be on everyone's PC simply because it's probably the best image-viewing program that there is. However, as well as simply viewing images, it offers plenty of basic image manipulation tools (with a good help file to explain their use). It's particularly good at dealing with red-eye:

However, if you want the best free alternative to Photoshop (with more advanced facilities than Irfanview), Serif PhotoPlus 6 is the software to go for: oPlus/default.asp

also consider the gimp
free and quite powerful (but needs time to use well)

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