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How Long (not Chinese) Until New Year?

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stewey | 01:49 Mon 31st Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
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I just want four mes on recent posts.
Just the 3.

Sorry Stew.
Question Author
China, at this precise moment in time you have two, which is almost 50%.....Keep trying.
I know!!

It was terrible, I had 3 and I just needed one more but yet it wasn't to be.... Sob!

Sorry to waste your time!;0)
Question Author
That's OK, China. I wear two watches: I've got a lot of time on my hands.
Boom, boom!

(Actually I laughed and woke the dog)
wers me country
im not on this planet
no time lapse
im an alien

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How Long (not Chinese) Until New Year?

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