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glitterverse | 01:26 Tue 01st Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Is it just me, or is it a huge relief its actually passed, as all new years do?

I would say its my age, but ive always felt the say bah humbug :)

Although, the excuse for drinking large amounts of champagne more than makes up for it.

Bye 2007 ... Onward all :)


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There are a good few abers that will certainly agree with those sentiments, we are like a small village, we all know each other to a certain extent, and have shared a few bad days this last year,.
Yes I'm glad it's passed.....Not had anything this year thats happened to make me feel that way.... but it's another year that my sis is not here.....two years on Jan 6th...cried earlier but bucked myself up because I know she would not want me to be crying. I'm ok now :D
I shed a good few tears that 2007 is behind us - I know its cold comfort and it wont go away but in some strange way just for a little while its like a fresh start -so the way I feel at the moment is that the past has passed -I wont forget -cant- but life for us has to go on-so like you said onward !!!!
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I sat a while to remember loved ones no longer here to ring at midnight , missing them heaps
aww BM you've set me off now.........
I must admit I heave a sigh of relief when it's all over and you get back to normal. In our family, Christmas and New Year were usually times of illness and accidents. Maybe it's because you notice things more at this time of year. Things that happen during the rest of the year don't seem to have the same significance.

Glad to get back to auld claes and porritch (and January bills)!

I wish everyone health and wealth and the wisdom to look after both!!
Knobby which birthday would this be?......bleedin ell you are like the many birthdays you
My Mum always says God put eyes in the front of your head for a reason,-- to look forward and not back!
Aww I was beginning to feel a bit lonely cos I've only been able to text my hubby and son tonight but haven't heard anything back yet, I know its network overload, now I realise how lucky i am cos I will hear from them eventually and see them both in the next few days not like others who have lost close ones. I'm thinking of you and wishing you well.xx
i like that saying tara! xx

Am i glad its over? no. Nothing spectacular happened, nothing particularly bad happened either. It was just a normal year for us. im just glad everyones remained happyish and healthy and we lost noone along the way.

I wish you all the best for 2008 and for those of you that had a bad 2007 may 2008 bring you happiness in bucket loads! I wish you all the very best of everything

Happy New Year xxx

all the best to everyone................................
Bless ya origanalang -very kind and thoughtful xxx

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