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Have you had a first foot yet?

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Drisgirl | 01:50 Tue 01st Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
We havent but given I have been jammied all day I hope no-one does chap my door -lol

I am currently listening to Neil Diamond cos I left my bleeding Proclaimers CD in the machine in Spain -grrr.

Mind u Neil will do me for Hogmanay -H is watching Rab on the box -bliss.

What you all doing?


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No Drisgirl first foot will be my son when he returns from a surprise 21st/New Year party, thats if he doesnt miss the stuff on the doorstep, a distinct possibility!

I'm watching the Jools Holland show, sad I know.

Have a great 2008 Drisgirl.
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Cheers hun xxx

O we have Jools/Rab on at the moment -you know men and their remotes -lol
Jools here also...lots of coooolmusic....loved seasick steve!
I am chatting to Redbel and having a laugh and waiting or my son to get in from work in the pub, might be 3am ish, but he will be my first footer, well he is 6ft 4 actually, my other son is out somewhere too.
We've just watched premonition with Sandra Bullock quite good although hard to follow at times.

Fiance is in bed and i said i would only be a few minutes lol, ah well it is the new year after all :))
ah sorry missread the question lol
No not had a first footer yet, but the family downstairs seem to be having a party, might pop in with a bottle :)))
Crikey, hope I don't get any first-footers.... not expecting anybody and have a sharp knife under my bed.

Have now taken my make-up off so think I would give them a bigger scare than they would me!!

Is first-footer the 1rst person OTHER than ones-self,to cross threshhold?? If so ,I have a bit of a wait...daughter not back til thurs!! lol
Yes pasta, they should be tall dark and handsome and carrying as much drink as they can :)

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Here not as big a scare as anyone chapping my door tonight -I am having a really chilled evening -although in saying that Neil is starting to go all melodic so I cant sing a long -he is way too maudling -have to find how you fast forward on a PC (oops).

O BTW we have had our first footer -ginger (should be dark) no coal but a big boy -yip Buddy -yaaaay -what a boy -lol
Hope this one wakes you up Drisgirl....

Happy New Year

forever in blue jeans
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Cheers Missy -brilliant -just on the back of Sweet Caroline -anyone want to party cos H is ready for his bed (yawn) -tsk -lol

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