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Seeing Double (Blue Coat Christmas Quiz)

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poodledoo | 21:29 Wed 26th Dec 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
4)easy terms (5,5)
50) half and half (5,5)
38)Queen's radio (4)
83)Commonly known as Jim (5,5,8,8)
89)Apartment based musical (8,8)
94)Her chicken soup proved fatal (4,7,4,7)
All clues have answers which have exact repeated syllables e.g papa or goody goody


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50 Could it be fifty fifty
38 gaga
4 never never
Question Author
good work bibster-keep going! Have you by any chance got a website with these on, or is it your own general knowledge?
this is my own work and i am still working on the others Sue
83. James James Morrison morrison.
mary hartman mary hartman
Question Author
according to Google the answer to no 45 (Bin Ladens lair) is not an exact repetition of the syllables ie t.... b...
Have you got round this one yet, or do you think its a mistake?
Question Author
Thank you all for your answers and a Happy New Year to you all.
45. Iwent to www.ask and there was an answer to this !
syra syra which is a district in syracuse in khartoun.
4) - Never never
Question Author
thank you, especially to santan for reminding me that there is another search engine besides Google. I was getting very stuck on parts of this quiz, and now I can tackle it with renewed vigour.
You can stop looking - spoke to Steve Willis (quiz compiler)and he apologises - he made a mistake. Disregard this question - you'll all be getting 99 right this year (like I did last year)

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Seeing Double (Blue Coat Christmas Quiz)

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