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Supernatural Series 3.

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RebeccaG | 15:24 Thu 03rd Jan 2008 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
Is this the series advertised on the ITV2 trailer? It doesn't give anything away, other than WINTER at the end. I've tried the ITV2 website, but it's not even recognising my request. PLEASE help - I'm missing my Winchester fix.


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Not too long to wait it seems ...

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Thaks for replying - but this is Series 2 :o(. Looks llike ITV2 are repeating it.
Whoops , off to the opticians ....

They are probably waiting 'til this is sorted .....

"Production was halted on December 5th upon completion of episode 12 due to the current writers strike. 22 episodes were ordered for season three, but it is very unlikely all 22 will air. If a resolution to the strike is reached in a timely manner this year they will start production again and pick up where they left off. As it stands right now, episode 12 could be the last episode of season three."

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Ooh, there's still hope :o). Thanks, Scanner!

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Supernatural Series 3.

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