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Quoi | 22:10 Fri 04th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Just been watching QI & Stephen Fry says that Aeroplane control systems are becoming so sophisticated that In 10 yrs time the current crew of 3 will be replaced by A pilot and a dog.

The pilot is there to feed the dog

The dog is there to bite the pilot if he touches anything.

What do you think will use less humans in the next 10 years?


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trains. they will soon be unmanned/unwomanned and they will be solely used by commuters, and they will be able to take their cars on the top so that they donl;t have to take up car parking spaces at railway stations and they will build on the station car parks
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Bridges may be a problem there dot
The hosting and maintaining of question and answer sites such AB?
Dont care but status I finks thats funny and it has tickled my beer bellie.
My mistake, AB obvioulsy isn't run by humans already!
oh they wonl;t need bridges anymore, cars will have the ability to hover and glide like in fifth element.
problem is meglet, some eejit will claim they are the self appointed AB ed every week!!
oohh dot, just gave me a bruce moment then!
The NHS?
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Every body knows the call centre for AB is in india dont they?
Legend, wasn't last week erm Christmas?
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ooer leg, so who was pleasuring knobby in the dungeon?

(he boasted about this in an earlier post...)

the mind boggles!!
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Maybe it was Richard the turd you spoke to. lol
I was pleasuring myself cazzz I think anyway so dont split on me or I will call you a grass..

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