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Cransley connections

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julesy | 09:22 Sat 05th Jan 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
I still need, please
1c,16c and the connection, all of 17 and the connection, 18, 19 and 20's connections.


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1c=anne geddes
16= janus moons of ??
17= pear, geese, swan lake, milk maid its a song
18 = a tv program
19= first names=tv program
20= first names = tv program
does that help you
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Thanks very much fordward, will work on it.
Can you or anyone help me on 8d & connection, 16a & 16d.

Can help on the rest I think!
for tpw
8d=rudyard kiplig =something to do with their ages??
16d=charles atlas
8d, Rudyard Kipling. Place of birth
For TPW536w - Cransley connection quiz - section 18 is not about their ages. Think geographically
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Does anyone have the connection on 3 & 4 please?

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Cransley connections

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