How green are you? Eco friendly etc I sort my rubbish appropriately when in doubt leave it out. Just read article in Sunday magazine, Stella Mc Cartney {guilt free ] satin and wood shoes �375 Do you have to be wealthy to save the planet? Comments
I sort my rubbish out, but rather reluctantly.
We have a green box and despite filling it up week after week, the council only take it away when they feel like it.
It is only because of the council, patrolling and inspecting our rubbish, that I recycle.
I personally think it is a waste of time!!
How many places do you know where they actually recycle the glass bottles, tins and paper???
cleversod you are absolutely right. I wandered around Croydon (lovely place) and looked at all the cheap and expensive stuff. Made in China. Top brands in House of Fraser ? - Made in China.
Silly stuff we now get about climate pollution by Britain is a waste of breath. I recycle everything I can, but China and India are pouring it out just so Joe Public here can save a few quid here and there. A penknife from Poundland (made in China) rather than something crafted in Sheffield.
I am not worried by this, it is just the way things are going to be. Britain is finished, as is the entire world. While human greed contributes to human comfort then things will be fine. But at some point the attempt to congregate the entire population of the world on Britain for the benefits to be had is going to go wrong. Mind you, at that point, the Islamic Community will be happily paying taxes and underwriting the pensions of the ageing and defunct White people.
Made in China. Made in India. Very very cheap. It's up to us now.
well whiffey I argued this a while ago and I was reliably informed by the people in news that every other country makes everything much better than us, so we should leave it to them.
We can go back to being a country that just shops on credit.
How's this one for you, my aunt and my cousin live close to each other and the local council placed bottle, tin and paper banks at the end of thier streets. Trying to be green and get the kids to join in they seperated all of their rubbish and put it in the relative bins. Two weeks later one of the neighbours went to put thier rubbish in these bins and saw the general refuse wagon pull up and empty all three recepticles onto the general waste wagon, when she approached them to ask them what they were doing they said that the council did not have the resources to send the recyling wagons out!!!! The councils just put these bins out to make it look like they are doing the right thing and them it goes away with the normal rubbish to landfill!