Why is that bottled mineral water that has 'flowing from a source deep in the volcanic regions of france for 100's of years' suddenly go out of date in november 2002?!
As soon as the water surfaces it can/will become contaminated with bateria and fungi. They are everyware. The will multiply over time and make the water unpalitable or unadvisable to drink.
At the high temperatures at source most/all bacteria/fungi are killed. I know there is one type wich would survive at 110 centigade but I believe this is at ambient pressure. The suorce of the water will be at high pressure and probably above 110C therefore any life will have been well and truly pressure-cooked. Perhapse my statement of 'they are everyware' should have mentioned, everywhere that any life form can exist.
Sorry hamish...lots of lifeforms would survive those temps and pressures. Thhink black smoker lifeforms. The real reason that bottled water has a sell by date on it is to do with the packaging. This degrades over time, leaching stuff into the water. Such as silicates, and the nasty phthalates we hear so much about.
Initatus ... the higest temperatures so far reported are 110C and life had a teoretical max at 150. (http://archive.newscientist.com/secure/article/art icle.jsp?rp=1&id=mg17323367.500)
These are not at the very high pressures you may find in a spring resuvoir. Perhapse you have a ref for your information, including that for phthalate which are usually used as plastiser for PVC not PET. As the use of silicates.... please enlighten us to your source.