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food from the counrtyside

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KAZ | 17:39 Mon 01st Nov 2004 | Food & Drink
2 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good book that specifically concentrates on food that you can find in the british countryside, for example; what different mushrooms you can eat, berries, nuts etc with recipes. Thanks.


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Food for Free by Richard Mabey is good.


But don't try wild mushrooms unless you really know what you're doing -- you need to be able to recognise the poisonous ones first.  Even some really "mushroomy" looking ones are poisonous.  Roger Phillips's book Mushrooms (Pan) is good, but you really need to be shown them as well by someone who knows.  In civilised countries like France you can take them to the pharmacist who'll confirm your identification.


You may find there are organised fungus forays in your area -- contact your county wildlife trust (though it's a bit late for this year now). 

Food for fFee is good but the drawings of mushrooms are dangerously poor!

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