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reporting people

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blondie123 | 09:38 Tue 15th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
How do u report people?


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You cant anymore think you can put your views to the ED though, but really not worth it they still come back. Just ignore it
Question Author
HOW COME? that is shocking...wat about reporting questions
Question Author
think it must be everyone reporting gravitate
to report a question there is the option next to the 'post an answer'

You can try and email the ed via the 'contact us' at bottom of page but I dont think they really care at the moment, some shocking stuff has been allowed to remain recently.
We used to be able to report an answer but theyve taken that away now which is a shame because it has just allowed some to get really nasty. As for the Ed, do we even have one now?
How blind am I? lol Thanks red! Never spotted it had moved to there!
But thats just to report a question, which isnt fair when some troll ruins it
Maybe if we all ignored they might get bored
If you want to brave it, i think beta still has option to report an answer, just change the thread address from 'www.theanswerbank.........' to read 'beta.theanswerbank..........'
dont forget to come straight back before they catch you though :)
You can still report answers but only on the beta site, it's under the username and avatar!
-- answer removed --
Has anyone seen my mind? Ok so I was shwon to the report button, but didnt even notice it was for the question and not just an answer!

I think Im getting out of my depth with this internet/computer stuff and may switch the computer off and come back after baby is born and hopefully my brain functions have returned to some form of normality!
lol psy.

think your mind has run off with my marbles hun

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reporting people

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