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Does anyone work anymore?

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loublou1971 | 18:19 Tue 15th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I went shopping yesterday, and it was packed, could not park, it's normally very quite and it was heaving, would not mind but it was only one of those retail parks, sales are mainly over. Is shopping all some paople must do?


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some women live only to shop.its the center of their existance.what did they do before credit cards?probably housework and raising their need now.
plastic friend is god.
I'd adore to be one of those women, I'd make a really good "Lady Who Lunches"

yes it is, all on credit as well. no worries if it goes bad you can just get a consolodation loan, after about 5 of them you can get get declared bankrupt.

all isnt lost though, there are lenders that will still give you credit after that (high interest rates though)
ive got visions of boo as a lady who munches.

what exactly i cant say.

rug anyone?

cazz and i thought i was being pessimistic too eh ?

had a visitor cazz.

good laugh lol
Oddly enough Legend Mr Boo has those visions too! Sadly for him and you, I dont.

Good to see you are your usual jovial self :-)
-- answer removed --
How pleasant and exciting indeed to see leg end back.

The tenor and high content of the evening is now assured, relief all round.
I expect you would prefer more varied chat with o-sexy-one whiffey?
hang on loublou cos you were doing exactly the same thing!!!!!!! Don't gettit. Are you retired then or do you not work?
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Day off, i work three days a week in an office and one day at home and then a free day.

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Does anyone work anymore?

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