Divorce fo adultery in The AnswerBank: Family & Relationships
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Divorce fo adultery

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ath007 | 14:43 Tue 15th Jan 2008 | Family & Relationships
4 Answers
I have had a verbal admission from the gentleman my wife had an affair with.After many difficult months we seperated and i left the family home after a fight.She is now divorcing me for unreasonable behaviour and has lied on her divorce petition with the reasons she is petitioning. I wish to counter petition and get her for adultery...how can i get the gentleman to admit, get him to court..how.? I have a solicitor but he just wants things to run and let her have her way for unreasonable behaviour..feel out on a limb of sorts.
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Im amazed that your solicitor is advising you not to drag the process out. After all, its usually the solicitors that make the most money out of messy divorces.
Perhaps you should contemplate seeking legal help from a different solicitor. They are mean't to act in you (the clients) best interests. I'm sure there is some archaic law regarding a spouse having an affair that allows the innocent party (in this case you the husband) to sue the parties responsible for damages. Perhaps you could look into it.
I understand why your solicitor is advising you this way. If your wife isn't admitting the adultery, you need evidence.
My divorce was similar and my ex also put unreasonable behaviour. I wanted to counter petition and had no evidence, so in the end as it was obvious that he wanted the divorce, I decided that the divorce could go ahead, although I made it plain that I disagreed with his reasons for it, but would not contest it and this was sent in a letter to him.

It is a very difficult time, and you have been hurt, and want to hurt back - but believe me, you will just drag it out by counter petitioning and it will make no difference to the outcome.

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thanks for that everyone. Need time to think!!



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