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Snowyboy | 15:27 Fri 18th Jan 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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What answer would you give to this question? From what did Atilla The Hun die? Thankyou in advance.


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Choked to death due to severe nosebleeding ?
hi beejay1124 - i think you are right (as right as anybody can be as there seems to be lots of doubt - as here ?
. Traditionally, it has been claimed that Attila the Hun died of a nosebleed on his wedding night. He may have died of something like a hemorrhoid in his esophagus caused by heavy drinking. Reader Tom Utterback says: "Chronic alcoholism leads to acid reflux disease which culminates eventually in esophageal varices rupturing."
has snowyboy been in touch yet ??
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Hi Beejay1124& Phizzy, I think you are both on the right track. Someone also suggested he was found in a pool of blood after being stabbed. As the question was worded, "From what did Atilla The Hun die" I am going to answer this one with "Fatal hemorrhage" Many thanks to both of you for giving me your time and comments on this tricky one. Good quizzing!!!
hi Snowy Thanks for your nice 'thanks' -not something everyone here takes the time to do-i think your answer couldn't be better as it covers many theories on his demise
hi snowy and beejay - 'tis nice to get a thank you - so i will thank you for your thank you - er - we'd better stop there ...

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